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A Transformed & Happier Mother




Conscious Parenting

1 Assessment, 45 Lessons

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About A Transformed & Happier Mother

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In this module, you'll define your starting point of your parenting journey - regarding yourself and your children. You'll then understand why certain parenting patterns are occurring when you're triggered. And you'll be able to define new goals and representations for your parenting journey. It's about clarity and empathy.

In this first part, you'll get clear on your starting point: the good and the ugly with compassion and empathy, in order to change your parenting journey to something more unique and authentic to you.

In this part, you'll discover the origins of your parenting style and the triggers - the conscious and unconscious origins that play a role in the way you act, react or overreact.

In this part, you'll acknowledge your starting point and define a new unique goal to improve your parenting journey: the representations and the responsibility.

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In this module, you'll understand why and when you feel more tired and what you could do to be more energized and why it is important, especially when you are facing challenging situatioons with your family

In this part, you'll have more clarity on when you feel more exhausted and why.

In this part, you'll learn more about acknowledging your emotions, physical sensations and giving them room, instead of suppressing or repressing them.

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In this module, you'll explore and practice tools to help you regain more emotional balance.

In this part, you'll learn about your emotional state linked to the way you are present or not to a situation.

In this section, I'll share 2 tools to quickly regain presence when you're on the edge of losing it or if you're already reacting.

In this section, you'll learn another tool to help you de-escalate any negative emotions using meridians.

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Use this TFT (Thought Field Therapy) sequence to help you mitigate the negative emotions.

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In this section, you'll get different demonstrations of how to do the cross-crawl in order to regain more presence, to reconnect with your body and disconnect from the busy mind. You can adapt the movements based on where you are sitting, standing or laying down, and according to your physical fitness. Find a a steady pace to allow your brain to rewire.

This week is your opportunity to catch up on the previous modules, to review some of your notes, to practice more tools. And you can ask questions here as well or send me an email if you need more clarity, are stuck with some concepts. I'm here to help.

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In this module, you'll learn how to avoid overreacting, yelling when facing challenging situations with your children. You'll understand the repetitive patterns and learn practical tools to de-escalate the reactivity within you.

In this step, you'll be able to better understand the recurrent triggering situations and assess them by giving them space. And you'll learn to give yourself more empathy as well

In this part, you'll learn about the few steps you can use to de-escalate your negative emotions to prevent the overreaction. You'll better understand if you'll bring more fire to a difficult situation or more water or offer a space to contain the struggles.

In this step, you'll review how your low level of energy or fatigue could bring more overreaction. And you'll understand how you can be more in control on how you feel by anticipation with the right mindset and tools.

This video is showing 3 cycles in a row of the wheel of life. Use this video for your concrete challenging situations

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In this module, you'll practice how to take care of yourself first - you are a priority in order to help other, how to organize your tasks by priorities while being more present as well, and how to schedule your tasks better with what matters most for you.

In this part, you'll learn why you have to be a priority, why you need to take care of yourself and why.

In this part, you'll (re)explore the beliefs, the representations and expectations regarding the tasks and the mental load. You'll define what is a priority and what is not as much right now

In this step, it's all about scheduling realistically new habits: in terms of intensity, frequency, regularity and duration. And those changes can be flexible and re-adapted when needed too.

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In this module, you'll learn to communicate efficiently calmly with your children and be heard without the yelling, the punishment, the shaming, the bribing. You'll explore communication through the facts, the emotions, the needs and the request.

In this part, you'll explore the origins of your anger, exhaustion, frustration.

In this part, you'll understand the difference between being factual and judgmental when it comes to observing a challenging situation.

In this section, you'll learn some emotional literacy about the emotions and the feelings.

In this section, you'll explore the vocabulary of the needs, and understand how to make requests to answer unmet needs.

This week is your opportunity to catch up on the previous modules, to review some of your notes, to practice more tools. And you can ask questions here as well or send me an email if you need more clarity, are stuck with some concepts. I'm here to help.

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In this module, you'll understand better why children are experiencing meltdowns, tantrums and anger, linked to the maturation of the brain. And you'll discover what you can do to help your children in those cases in a more conscious way.

In this part, we'll use concrete scientific data to help you understand how the maturity of the brain of your child can play a big role regarding the regulation of emotions.

In this part, you'll explore the non-violent communication framework (the facts, the emotions, the needs and request) to better interact with your children when triggers happen.

In this section, you'll learn to cultivate empathy for yourself and your children, while acknowledging the emotions and needs of everyone instead of letting the emotions take over into overreaction.

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In this module, you'll learn to teach your children about emotional literacy to help them regulate their emotions.

In this section, you'll explore a few strategies to help your children regulate their emotions when they feel overwhelmed or are triggered.

In this section, you'll explore playful ways to teach your children about emotions so they can get more points of reference to understand the way they feel.

In this part, you'll explore current reccuring challenging situations you are facing with your children, and see how you can improve those situations while using specific tools and implementing healthier routines.

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In this module, you'll explore how you can enjoy better bonding time with your children. It's not about how long you'll spend time with them, but how meaningful you can connect with them to met needs and interests.

In this section, you'll better understand how the natural abilities, the quality of presence, the active emotions and unmet needs can play a role in the way you and your children would interact and play together.

In this part, you'll explore the common and opposite interests of every member of the family through the lens of the Intelligence Centres. This will help you understand the dynamic of play and interests.

In this section, you'll explore how to enjoy play time together using the common interests and how to set up independent play time for your children.

This last week is your opportunity to catch up on the previous modules, to review some of your notes, to practice more tools. And you can ask questions here as well or send me an email if you need more clarity, are stuck with some concepts. I'm here to help.

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You did it! You completed the course! You have transformed! Revisit the course at your pace and see what you can tweak, improve and learn.

About the Teacher

lead coach

Hey there. Sonia here. I'm a homeschooling Mother of 2 children and the Founder Of A Transformed & Happier Mother Online Course. A program to help mothers eliminate their parenting anger, overwhelm, exhaustion and guilt. And I was experiencing all those issues when I became a mother of 2 children. I'm here to support and guide you in this transformative journey with more conscious parenting and inner work connected to your heart.

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